ErrorException [ Warning ]
filemtime(): stat failed for /var/www/promo/files/a245/rules.pdf

DOCROOT/application/views/templates/rosneft/action/action_rule.php [ 8 ]

 3 		<a href="/" class="home-page-link"> 4 			<svg xmlns="" width="7" height="13" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 7 13"><path stroke="#fff" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="1.8" d="M6 1 1.734 5.693a1.2 1.2 0 0 0 0 1.614L6 12"></path></svg> 5 		</a> 6 		Правила акции</h1> 7 	<div class="inner-page-wrapper br-default"> 8 		<iframe src="/static/libs/pdf.js-gh-pages/web/viewer.html?file=<?= URL::base('https'); ?>files/a<?= $action['action_id']; ?>/rules.pdf?v=<?= filemtime($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/files/a'.$action['action_id'].'/rules.pdf');?>" class="iframe-wrapper"></iframe> 9 	</div>10 </div>
  1. {PHP internal call} » Kohana_Core::error_handler ( arguments )

    0 2
    1 filemtime(): stat failed for /var/www/promo/files/a245/rules.pdf
    2 /var/www/promo/application/views/templates/rosneft/action/action_rule.php
    3 8
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          ["name"] => string(15) "40 литров"
          ["guid"] => string(36) "ADD976F8-243A-45CE-A535-EB9EA0FD8DA7"
          ["description"] => string(92) "Подарочный купон на получение топлива на 40 литров."
          ["detail_description"] => string(330) "Подарочный купон  на получение топлива на 40 литров. Выдается на любой АЗС, участвующей в акции. Для получения необходимо показать оператору АЗС штрих-код на сертификате победителя."
          ["image"] => string(16) "xhsw8smkfifh.jpg"
          ["cod_img"] => NULL
          ["count_points"] => string(2) "20"
          ["count"] => string(2) "30"
          ["prize_id"] => string(3) "773"
          ["pay_prize"] => string(1) "1"
          ["type_users"] => string(1) "0"
          ["points"] => string(1) "1"
          ["count_use"] => string(1) "1"
          ["count_no_use"] => int(29)
        [3] => array(14) {
          ["name"] => string(15) "20 литров"
          ["guid"] => string(36) "034EE9B3-DCC9-4A57-A31A-A6CE2851AF46"
          ["description"] => string(92) "Подарочный купон на получение топлива на 20 литров."
          ["detail_description"] => string(330) "Подарочный купон  на получение топлива на 20 литров. Выдается на любой АЗС, участвующей в акции. Для получения необходимо показать оператору АЗС штрих-код на сертификате победителя."
          ["image"] => string(16) "klqvaefs2pdi.jpg"
          ["cod_img"] => NULL
          ["count_points"] => string(2) "10"
          ["count"] => string(2) "30"
          ["prize_id"] => string(3) "772"
          ["pay_prize"] => string(1) "2"
          ["type_users"] => string(1) "0"
          ["points"] => string(1) "1"
          ["count_use"] => string(1) "2"
          ["count_no_use"] => int(28)
      ["min_points"] => &string(4) "1000"
      ["page"] => &array(7) {
        ["type"] => string(10) "rules_page"
        ["page_tags"] => array(0) {
        ["title"] => string(29) "Условия участия"
        ["meta_description"] => string(0) ""
        ["meta_keywords"] => string(0) ""
        ["active_menu_item"] => string(0) ""
        ["h1"] => string(0) ""
  2. DOCROOT/application/views/templates/rosneft/action/action_rule.php [ 8 ] » filemtime ( arguments )

    filename /var/www/promo/files/a245/rules.pdf
     3 		<a href="/" class="home-page-link"> 4 			<svg xmlns="" width="7" height="13" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 7 13"><path stroke="#fff" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="1.8" d="M6 1 1.734 5.693a1.2 1.2 0 0 0 0 1.614L6 12"></path></svg> 5 		</a> 6 		Правила акции</h1> 7 	<div class="inner-page-wrapper br-default"> 8 		<iframe src="/static/libs/pdf.js-gh-pages/web/viewer.html?file=<?= URL::base('https'); ?>files/a<?= $action['action_id']; ?>/rules.pdf?v=<?= filemtime($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/files/a'.$action['action_id'].'/rules.pdf');?>" class="iframe-wrapper"></iframe> 9 	</div>10 </div>
  3. DOCROOT/system/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 62 ] » include ( arguments )

    0 /var/www/promo/application/views/templates/rosneft/action/action_rule.php
    57 		ob_start();58  59 		try60 		{61 			// Load the view within the current scope62 			include $kohana_view_filename;63 		}64 		catch (Exception $e)65 		{66 			// Delete the output buffer67 			ob_end_clean();68  
  4. DOCROOT/system/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 359 ] » Kohana_View::capture ( arguments )

    0 application/views/templates/rosneft/action/action_rule.php
    array(0) {
    354 		{355 			throw new View_Exception('You must set the file to use within your view before rendering');356 		}357  358 		// Combine local and global data and capture the output359 		return View::capture($this->_file, $this->_data);360 	}361  362 }363  
  5. DOCROOT/system/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 236 ] » Kohana_View->render ( )

    231 	 */232 	public function __toString()233 	{234 		try235 		{236 			return $this->render();237 		}238 		catch (Exception $e)239 		{240 			/**241 			 * Display the exception message.242 
  6. DOCROOT/application/views/main.php [ 3 ] » Kohana_View->__toString ( )

    -2 <?php echo $header; ?>-1  0 <?php echo $content; ?>1  2 <?php echo $footer; ?>3  
  7. DOCROOT/system/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 62 ] » include ( arguments )

    0 /var/www/promo/application/views/main.php
    57 		ob_start();58  59 		try60 		{61 			// Load the view within the current scope62 			include $kohana_view_filename;63 		}64 		catch (Exception $e)65 		{66 			// Delete the output buffer67 			ob_end_clean();68  
  8. DOCROOT/system/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 359 ] » Kohana_View::capture ( arguments )

    0 application/views/main.php
    array(3) {
      ["content"] => object(View)#65 (2) {
        ["_file":protected] => string(58) "application/views/templates/rosneft/action/action_rule.php"
        ["_data":protected] => array(0) {
      ["header"] => &object(View)#63 (2) {
        ["_file":protected] => string(51) "application/views/templates/rosneft/main_header.php"
        ["_data":protected] => array(0) {
      ["footer"] => &object(View)#53 (2) {
        ["_file":protected] => string(51) "application/views/templates/rosneft/main_footer.php"
        ["_data":protected] => array(0) {
    354 		{355 			throw new View_Exception('You must set the file to use within your view before rendering');356 		}357  358 		// Combine local and global data and capture the output359 		return View::capture($this->_file, $this->_data);360 	}361  362 }363  
  9. DOCROOT/system/classes/Kohana/Controller/Template.php [ 44 ] » Kohana_View->render ( )

    39 	 */40 	public function after()41 	{42 		if ($this->auto_render === TRUE)43 		{44 			$this->response->body($this->template->render());45 		}46  47 		parent::after();48 	}49  50  
  10. DOCROOT/application/classes/Controller/Template.php [ 109 ] » Kohana_Controller_Template->after ( )

    104 		else105 		{106 			//$this->response->headers('Content-Type','application/json');107 		}108  109 		parent::after();110 	}111  112 //	public function include_js($path)113 //	{114 //		$this->included_scripts .= "<script src=\"".$path."\"></script>\r\n";115  
  11. DOCROOT/application/classes/Controller/Page.php [ 1480 ] » Controller_Template->after ( )

    1475 		$style_name = Action::style();1476  1477 		$this->header = 'templates/'.$style_name.'/'.$this->header;1478 		$this->footer = 'templates/'.$style_name.'/'.$this->footer;1479  1480 		parent::after();1481 	}1482  1483 }1484  
  12. DOCROOT/system/classes/Kohana/Controller.php [ 87 ] » Controller_Page->after ( )

    82  83 		// Execute the action itself84 		$this->{$action}();85  86 		// Execute the "after action" method87 		$this->after();88  89 		// Return the response90 		return $this->response;91 	}92  93  
  13. {PHP internal call} » Kohana_Controller->execute ( )

  14. DOCROOT/system/classes/Kohana/Request/Client/Internal.php [ 97 ] » ReflectionMethod->invoke ( arguments )

    object(Controller_Page)#49 (9) {
      ["template_name"] => NULL
      ["style_name"] => NULL
      ["template"] => object(View)#51 (2) {
        ["_file":protected] => string(26) "application/views/main.php"
        ["_data":protected] => array(3) {
          ["content"] => object(View)#65 (2) {
            ["_file":protected] => string(58) "application/views/templates/rosneft/action/action_rule.php"
            ["_data":protected] => array(0) {
          ["header"] => &object(View)#63 (2) {
            ["_file":protected] => string(51) "application/views/templates/rosneft/main_header.php"
            ["_data":protected] => array(0) {
          ["footer"] => &object(View)#53 (2) {
            ["_file":protected] => string(51) "application/views/templates/rosneft/main_footer.php"
            ["_data":protected] => array(0) {
      ["page"] => &array(7) {
        ["type"] => string(10) "rules_page"
        ["page_tags"] => array(0) {
        ["title"] => string(29) "Условия участия"
        ["meta_description"] => string(0) ""
        ["meta_keywords"] => string(0) ""
        ["active_menu_item"] => string(0) ""
        ["h1"] => string(0) ""
      ["header"] => string(29) "templates/rosneft/main_header"
      ["footer"] => string(29) "templates/rosneft/main_footer"
      ["auto_render"] => bool(true)
      ["request"] => object(Request)#43 (19) {
        ["_requested_with":protected] => NULL
        ["_method":protected] => string(3) "GET"
        ["_protocol":protected] => string(8) "HTTP/1.1"
        ["_secure":protected] => bool(true)
        ["_referrer":protected] => NULL
        ["_route":protected] => object(Route)#7 (5) {
          ["_filters":protected] => array(0) {
          ["_uri":protected] => string(11) "action_rule"
          ["_regex":protected] => array(0) {
          ["_defaults":protected] => array(2) {
            ["controller"] => string(4) "Page"
            ["action"] => string(11) "action_rule"
          ["_route_regex":protected] => string(17) "#^action_rule$#uD"
        ["_routes":protected] => array(0) {
        ["_header":protected] => object(HTTP_Header)#44 (5) {
          ["_accept_content":protected] => NULL
          ["_accept_charset":protected] => NULL
          ["_accept_encoding":protected] => NULL
          ["_accept_language":protected] => NULL
          ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(0) {
        ["_body":protected] => NULL
        ["_directory":protected] => string(0) ""
        ["_controller":protected] => string(4) "Page"
        ["_action":protected] => string(11) "action_rule"
        ["_uri":protected] => string(11) "action_rule"
        ["_external":protected] => bool(false)
        ["_params":protected] => array(0) {
        ["_get":protected] => array(0) {
        ["_post":protected] => array(0) {
        ["_cookies":protected] => array(0) {
        ["_client":protected] => object(Request_Client_Internal)#45 (9) {
          ["_previous_environment":protected] => NULL
          ["_cache":protected] => NULL
          ["_follow":protected] => bool(false)
          ["_follow_headers":protected] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(13) "authorization"
          ["_strict_redirect":protected] => bool(true)
          ["_header_callbacks":protected] => array(1) {
            ["Location"] => string(34) "Request_Client::on_header_location"
          ["_max_callback_depth":protected] => int(5)
          ["_callback_depth":protected] => int(1)
          ["_callback_params":protected] => array(0) {
      ["response"] => object(Response)#46 (5) {
        ["_status":protected] => int(200)
        ["_header":protected] => object(HTTP_Header)#47 (5) {
          ["_accept_content":protected] => NULL
          ["_accept_charset":protected] => NULL
          ["_accept_encoding":protected] => NULL
          ["_accept_language":protected] => NULL
          ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(0) {
        ["_body":protected] => string(0) ""
        ["_cookies":protected] => array(0) {
        ["_protocol":protected] => string(8) "HTTP/1.1"
     92   93 			// Create a new instance of the controller 94 			$controller = $class->newInstance($request, $response); 95   96 			// Run the controller's execute() method 97 			$response = $class->getMethod('execute')->invoke($controller); 98   99 			if ( ! $response instanceof Response)100 			{101 				// Controller failed to return a Response.102 				throw new Kohana_Exception('Controller failed to return a Response');103  
  15. DOCROOT/system/classes/Kohana/Request/Client.php [ 114 ] » Kohana_Request_Client_Internal->execute_request ( arguments )

    object(Request)#43 (19) {
      ["_requested_with":protected] => NULL
      ["_method":protected] => string(3) "GET"
      ["_protocol":protected] => string(8) "HTTP/1.1"
      ["_secure":protected] => bool(true)
      ["_referrer":protected] => NULL
      ["_route":protected] => object(Route)#7 (5) {
        ["_filters":protected] => array(0) {
        ["_uri":protected] => string(11) "action_rule"
        ["_regex":protected] => array(0) {
        ["_defaults":protected] => array(2) {
          ["controller"] => string(4) "Page"
          ["action"] => string(11) "action_rule"
        ["_route_regex":protected] => string(17) "#^action_rule$#uD"
      ["_routes":protected] => array(0) {
      ["_header":protected] => object(HTTP_Header)#44 (5) {
        ["_accept_content":protected] => NULL
        ["_accept_charset":protected] => NULL
        ["_accept_encoding":protected] => NULL
        ["_accept_language":protected] => NULL
        ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(0) {
      ["_body":protected] => NULL
      ["_directory":protected] => string(0) ""
      ["_controller":protected] => string(4) "Page"
      ["_action":protected] => string(11) "action_rule"
      ["_uri":protected] => string(11) "action_rule"
      ["_external":protected] => bool(false)
      ["_params":protected] => array(0) {
      ["_get":protected] => array(0) {
      ["_post":protected] => array(0) {
      ["_cookies":protected] => array(0) {
      ["_client":protected] => object(Request_Client_Internal)#45 (9) {
        ["_previous_environment":protected] => NULL
        ["_cache":protected] => NULL
        ["_follow":protected] => bool(false)
        ["_follow_headers":protected] => array(1) {
          [0] => string(13) "authorization"
        ["_strict_redirect":protected] => bool(true)
        ["_header_callbacks":protected] => array(1) {
          ["Location"] => string(34) "Request_Client::on_header_location"
        ["_max_callback_depth":protected] => int(5)
        ["_callback_depth":protected] => int(1)
        ["_callback_params":protected] => array(0) {
    object(Response)#46 (5) {
      ["_status":protected] => int(200)
      ["_header":protected] => object(HTTP_Header)#47 (5) {
        ["_accept_content":protected] => NULL
        ["_accept_charset":protected] => NULL
        ["_accept_encoding":protected] => NULL
        ["_accept_language":protected] => NULL
        ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(0) {
      ["_body":protected] => string(0) ""
      ["_cookies":protected] => array(0) {
      ["_protocol":protected] => string(8) "HTTP/1.1"
    109 		$orig_response = $response = Response::factory(array('_protocol' => $request->protocol()));110  111 		if (($cache = $this->cache()) instanceof HTTP_Cache)112 			return $cache->execute($this, $request, $response);113  114 		$response = $this->execute_request($request, $response);115  116 		// Execute response callbacks117 		foreach ($this->header_callbacks() as $header => $callback)118 		{119 			if ($response->headers($header))120  
  16. DOCROOT/system/classes/Kohana/Request.php [ 997 ] » Kohana_Request_Client->execute ( arguments )

    object(Request)#43 (19) {
      ["_requested_with":protected] => NULL
      ["_method":protected] => string(3) "GET"
      ["_protocol":protected] => string(8) "HTTP/1.1"
      ["_secure":protected] => bool(true)
      ["_referrer":protected] => NULL
      ["_route":protected] => object(Route)#7 (5) {
        ["_filters":protected] => array(0) {
        ["_uri":protected] => string(11) "action_rule"
        ["_regex":protected] => array(0) {
        ["_defaults":protected] => array(2) {
          ["controller"] => string(4) "Page"
          ["action"] => string(11) "action_rule"
        ["_route_regex":protected] => string(17) "#^action_rule$#uD"
      ["_routes":protected] => array(0) {
      ["_header":protected] => object(HTTP_Header)#44 (5) {
        ["_accept_content":protected] => NULL
        ["_accept_charset":protected] => NULL
        ["_accept_encoding":protected] => NULL
        ["_accept_language":protected] => NULL
        ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(0) {
      ["_body":protected] => NULL
      ["_directory":protected] => string(0) ""
      ["_controller":protected] => string(4) "Page"
      ["_action":protected] => string(11) "action_rule"
      ["_uri":protected] => string(11) "action_rule"
      ["_external":protected] => bool(false)
      ["_params":protected] => array(0) {
      ["_get":protected] => array(0) {
      ["_post":protected] => array(0) {
      ["_cookies":protected] => array(0) {
      ["_client":protected] => object(Request_Client_Internal)#45 (9) {
        ["_previous_environment":protected] => NULL
        ["_cache":protected] => NULL
        ["_follow":protected] => bool(false)
        ["_follow_headers":protected] => array(1) {
          [0] => string(13) "authorization"
        ["_strict_redirect":protected] => bool(true)
        ["_header_callbacks":protected] => array(1) {
          ["Location"] => string(34) "Request_Client::on_header_location"
        ["_max_callback_depth":protected] => int(5)
        ["_callback_depth":protected] => int(1)
        ["_callback_params":protected] => array(0) {
     992 			throw new Request_Exception('Unable to execute :uri without a Kohana_Request_Client', array( 993 				':uri' => $this->_uri, 994 			)); 995 		} 996   997 		return $this->_client->execute($this); 998 	} 999  1000 	/**1001 	 * Returns whether this request is the initial request Kohana received.1002 	 * Can be used to test for sub requests.1003 
  17. DOCROOT/index.php [ 123 ] » Kohana_Request->execute ( )

    118 	/**119 	 * Execute the main request. A source of the URI can be passed, eg: $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'].120 	 * If no source is specified, the URI will be automatically detected.121 	 */122 	echo Request::factory(TRUE, array(), FALSE)123 		->execute()124 		->send_headers(TRUE)125 		->body();126 }127  


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Организатором акции является ООО « тест»,
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Адрес: тест


Когда заканчивается регистрация чеков?
Когда заканчивается Розыгрыш призов?
Когда может быть совершена покупка ДТ?
Как принять участие в розыгрыше призов?
Какие АЗС принимают участие в акции?
Какое топливо участвует в акции?
Какие виды оплат принимаются для участия в акции?
Сколько надо купить, чтобы принять участие в акции?
Какие есть ограничения при регистрации чеков?
Как зарегистрировать чек оплаты за наличный расчет или по банковской карте?
Как зарегистрировать чек оплаты по топливной карте?
Где посмотреть все зарегистрированные чеки?
Что делать, если в Истории игры появилось сообщение «чек на проверке»?
Что делать, если чек не прошел проверку?
Где посмотреть все выигранные призы?
Какое топливо можно заправить в качестве призового?
Что делать, если на e-mail не пришел сертификат победителя?
Как получить призы «Кофе Американо 200 мл», «Топливный купон на 2 000 рублей», «Топливный купон на 1 000 рублей», «Топливный купон на 500 рублей»?
Как получить приз при выигрыше приза «Топливная карта на 3 500 рублей», «Топливная карта на 7 000 рублей», «Топливная карта на 20 000 рублей»?
Можно другому человеку забрать приз за победителя?
До какой даты можно получить топливо приза?
На каких АЗС можно получить призовое топливо?
Будут ли начислены бонусы на карту лояльности за покупку с использованием топливного купона?
Можно ли забрать приз деньгами?
Как выиграть хорошие призы?