DOCROOT/application/views/templates/rosneft/action/action_rule.php [ 8 ]
3 <a href="/" class="home-page-link"> 4 <svg xmlns="" width="7" height="13" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 7 13"><path stroke="#fff" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="1.8" d="M6 1 1.734 5.693a1.2 1.2 0 0 0 0 1.614L6 12"></path></svg> 5 </a> 6 Правила акции</h1> 7 <div class="inner-page-wrapper br-default"> 8 <iframe src="/static/libs/pdf.js-gh-pages/web/viewer.html?file=<?= URL::base('https'); ?>files/a<?= $action['action_id']; ?>/rules.pdf?v=<?= filemtime($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/files/a'.$action['action_id'].'/rules.pdf');?>" class="iframe-wrapper"></iframe> 9 </div>10 </div>
{PHP internal call} » Kohana_Core::error_handler ( arguments )
0 2 1 filemtime(): stat failed for /var/www/promo/files/a245/rules.pdf 2 /var/www/promo/application/views/templates/rosneft/action/action_rule.php 3 8 4 array(15) { ["kohana_view_filename"] => string(58) "application/views/templates/rosneft/action/action_rule.php" ["kohana_view_data"] => array(0) { } ["template_name"] => &string(5) "green" ["style_name"] => &string(7) "rosneft" ["action"] => &array(106) { ["action_id"] => string(3) "245" ["enabled"] => string(1) "1" ["mobile_paid"] => string(1) "0" ["mobile_active"] => string(1) "1" ["mobile"] => string(1) "0" ["referral"] => string(1) "0" ["mobile_count_point_price"] => string(1) "0" ["points_null_check"] => string(1) "0" ["mobile_min_price_check"] => string(1) "0" ["mobile_min_hours_check"] => string(1) "0" ["mobile_min_hours_check_delay"] => string(1) "0" ["mobile_max_hours_check"] => string(1) "0" ["mobile_add_points_check"] => string(1) "0" ["date_check"] => string(1) "0" ["start_date_check_day"] => string(1) "0" ["finish_date_check_day"] => string(1) "0" ["mobile_prize_text"] => string(0) "" ["mobile_chance_text"] => string(0) "" ["mobile_participation_text"] => string(0) "" ["mobile_win_desc"] => string(0) "" ["mobile_rule_text"] => string(0) "" ["enabled_start"] => string(10) "1737406800" ["enabled_end"] => string(10) "1740776399" ["draw_start"] => string(10) "1737406800" ["draw_end"] => string(10) "1740776399" ["vouchers_start"] => string(10) "1735678800" ["vouchers_end"] => string(10) "1740776399" ["date_start"] => NULL ["title"] => string(20) "Проверка api" ["description"] => string(0) "" ["users_count"] => string(3) "100" ["requests"] => string(1) "0" ["winners"] => string(1) "0" ["domain"] => string(13) "" ["main"] => string(1) "0" ["parent"] => string(2) "-1" ["child"] => string(2) "-1" ["max_days"] => string(2) "56" ["max_dots"] => string(2) "25" ["type"] => string(1) "6" ["prize_veiw"] => string(1) "1" ["tbl_postfix"] => string(1) "1" ["style"] => string(7) "rosneft" ["template"] => string(5) "green" ["photo"] => string(1) "0" ["photo_href"] => NULL ["prize_href"] => NULL ["team_play"] => string(1) "0" ["coupon_team"] => string(1) "0" ["organizator_description"] => string(175) "Организатором акции является ООО « тест»,<br /> ОГРН тест, <br />ИНН/КПП: тест / тест,<br /> Адрес: тест" ["phone"] => NULL ["email"] => NULL ["site_link"] => NULL ["description_small"] => string(0) "" ["sequence_name"] => string(5) "EMPTY" ["block_title_1"] => string(34) "заправиться на АЗС" ["block_text_1_1"] => string(268) "<ul> <li>дизельным топливом на сумму от 200 и более литров - при покупке по топливной карте начисляются очки для получения подарочных купонов. </li> </ul>" ["block_title_2"] => string(62) "получить топливные купоны за чеки" ["block_text_2_1"] => string(995) "<ul> <li>За регистрацию чеков от 200 л по топливной карте в разделе "Регистрация чека" начисляются очки для получения подарочных купонов. Подробно шкалу начисления очков от объема покупки можно посмотреть <a href=""> здесь</a>.<li>Для получения купона зайдите в раздел "Подарочные купоны", который будет доступен с ТЕСТ по ТЕСТ, нажмите "Забрать купон", заполните все поля и нажмите кнопку "Получить".<li>Сертификат победителя для получения приза по купону на АЗС акции будет доступен после авторизации на сайте акции в разделе МОИ ПРИЗЫ.</li> </ul>" ["block_title_3"] => string(46) "проложить лучший маршрут" ["block_text_3_1"] => string(628) "<ul> <li>Автоматическая регистрация чеков покупок по топливной карте на АЗС акции для пользователей сервиса Рейс MultiGO.<li>Автоматическая передача выбранных купонов в сервис Рейс MultiGO для получения топлива по маршруту.<li>Чтобы подключить свою компанию к сервису маршрутизации перевозок Рейс MultiGO нажмите <a href="">здесь</a>.</li> </ul>" ["block_monitor_1"] => string(582) "<ul> <li>Общий срок проведения акции ТЕСТ г.</li> <li>Период регистрации чеков для участия: ТЕСТ г.</li> <li>Срок приема заявок на участие в акции ТЕСТ г.</li> <li>Срок определения победителей акции с ТЕСТ г.</li> <li>Срок выдачи призов победителям акции с ТЕСТ г.</li> <li>Акция проводится на АЗС «ТЕСТ», расположенных на территории ТЕСТ.</li> </ul>" ["block_footer_1"] => string(0) "" ["block_footer_2"] => string(0) "" ["block_footer_3"] => string(0) "" ["block_footer_4"] => string(0) "" ["header_type"] => string(1) "1" ["certificate_text_winners"] => NULL ["text_photo"] => NULL ["certificate-email"] => string(0) "" ["guid"] => string(36) "21CF13C6-C148-4EE6-902E-4B27E729621A" ["date_update"] => string(10) "1740147169" ["used_koef"] => NULL ["mobile_verify_geo"] => string(1) "0" ["send_mail_winners"] => string(1) "0" ["deferred"] => string(1) "0" ["prize"] => string(1) "1" ["finish"] => NULL ["brands_group_id"] => string(1) "0" ["fiscal"] => string(1) "1" ["general_vouchers"] => string(1) "0" ["point_auth"] => string(1) "0" ["crm"] => string(1) "0" ["coupon_description"] => string(38) "100 очков = 1 литр приза" ["coupon_block_footer_1"] => string(332) "Получение призового топлива по подарочным купонам акции ограничено сроком 23:59 часов 31 декабря 2023 г. Победитель, не получивший на АЗС акции свой приз в этот срок, теряет на него право." ["coupon_block_footer_2"] => string(259) "Организатор акции запрещает третьим лицам использование этого сайта акции для рекламы в сети интернет, в полном объеме или в любой его части." ["coupon_block_footer_3"] => string(0) "" ["coupon_block_footer_4"] => string(0) "" ["referral_description"] => NULL ["referral_block_title_1"] => NULL ["referral_block_text_1"] => NULL ["referral_block_title_2"] => NULL ["referral_block_text_2"] => NULL ["referral_block_title_3"] => NULL ["referral_block_text_3"] => NULL ["referral_percent"] => string(1) "0" ["referral_prize_description"] => NULL ["referral_block_footer_1"] => NULL ["referral_block_footer_2"] => NULL ["referral_block_footer_3"] => NULL ["referral_block_footer_4"] => NULL ["play_company"] => NULL ["liters_vouchers"] => string(1) "0" ["code"] => string(8) "ADF5ACD8" ["manager_id_point"] => string(6) "241354" ["cert_email"] => string(1) "0" } ["points"] => &array(1) { ["points"] => int(0) } ["request_fields"] => &array(7) { ["name"] => array(17) { ["field_id"] => string(1) "1" ["action_id"] => string(3) "245" ["required"] => string(1) "1" ["order"] => string(2) "40" ["draw_type"] => string(5) "prize" ["title"] => string(6) "ФИО" ["enabled"] => string(1) "1" ["type"] => string(6) "string" ["count"] => string(1) "0" ["name"] => string(4) "name" ["entity_name"] => string(16) "users_fields_set" ["system"] => string(1) "0" ["fields_order"] => string(1) "0" ["field_name"] => string(4) "name" ["field_title"] => string(6) "ФИО" ["field_order"] => string(1) "0" ["field_count"] => string(1) "0" } ["phone"] => array(17) { ["field_id"] => string(1) "2" ["action_id"] => string(3) "245" ["required"] => string(1) "1" ["order"] => string(2) "50" ["draw_type"] => string(5) "prize" ["title"] => string(35) "Контактный телефон" ["enabled"] => string(1) "1" ["type"] => string(6) "string" ["count"] => string(1) "0" ["name"] => string(5) "phone" ["entity_name"] => string(16) "users_fields_set" ["system"] => string(1) "0" ["fields_order"] => string(1) "0" ["field_name"] => string(5) "phone" ["field_title"] => string(35) "Контактный телефон" ["field_order"] => string(1) "0" ["field_count"] => string(1) "0" } ["city"] => array(17) { ["field_id"] => string(1) "6" ["action_id"] => string(3) "245" ["required"] => string(1) "1" ["order"] => NULL ["draw_type"] => string(5) "prize" ["title"] => string(40) "Город получения приза" ["enabled"] => string(1) "1" ["type"] => string(6) "string" ["count"] => string(1) "0" ["name"] => string(4) "city" ["entity_name"] => string(16) "users_fields_set" ["system"] => string(1) "1" ["fields_order"] => string(1) "0" ["field_name"] => string(4) "city" ["field_title"] => string(40) "Город получения приза" ["field_order"] => string(1) "0" ["field_count"] => string(1) "0" } ["fuel_type"] => array(17) { ["field_id"] => string(2) "11" ["action_id"] => string(3) "245" ["required"] => string(1) "1" ["order"] => NULL ["draw_type"] => string(5) "prize" ["title"] => string(25) "Топливо приза" ["enabled"] => string(1) "1" ["type"] => string(6) "string" ["count"] => string(1) "0" ["name"] => string(9) "fuel_type" ["entity_name"] => string(16) "users_fields_set" ["system"] => 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["enabled"] => string(1) "1" ["type"] => string(4) "list" ["count"] => string(1) "0" ["name"] => string(2) "f2" ["entity_name"] => string(16) "users_fields_set" ["system"] => string(1) "0" ["fields_order"] => string(1) "0" ["field_name"] => string(2) "f2" ["field_title"] => string(5) "test2" ["field_order"] => string(1) "0" ["field_count"] => string(1) "0" } ["office_id"] => array(17) { ["field_id"] => string(2) "32" ["action_id"] => string(3) "245" ["required"] => string(1) "1" ["order"] => NULL ["draw_type"] => string(5) "prize" ["title"] => string(23) "Точка выдачи" ["enabled"] => string(1) "1" ["type"] => string(6) "string" ["count"] => string(1) "0" ["name"] => string(9) "office_id" ["entity_name"] => string(6) "office" ["system"] => string(1) "1" ["fields_order"] => string(1) "0" ["field_name"] => string(9) "office_id" ["field_title"] => string(23) "Точка выдачи" ["field_order"] => string(1) "0" ["field_count"] => string(1) "0" } } ["cities"] => &array(4) { [1358] => string(14) "Гатчина" [1334] => string(10) "Минск" [1357] => string(12) "Пушкин" [1356] => string(29) "Санкт-Петербург" } ["offices"] => &array(8) { [0] => array(10) { ["office_id"] => string(5) "25626" ["address"] => string(10) "Минск" ["action_id"] => string(3) "245" ["brands_dots_id"] => string(6) "157487" ["city_id"] => string(4) "1334" ["city"] => string(10) "Минск" ["name"] => string(8) "Офис" ["x"] => string(18) "27.583516480922754" ["y"] => string(18) "53.935443569105374" ["guid"] => string(36) "7F70ADA4-D46F-4D27-A44A-E6422BBE3B6B" } [1] => array(10) { ["office_id"] => string(5) "25627" ["address"] => string(62) "ул. 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Салова, д. 55, литера А" ["action_id"] => string(3) "245" ["brands_dots_id"] => string(6) "161397" ["city_id"] => string(4) "1356" ["city"] => string(29) "Санкт-Петербург" ["name"] => string(27) "АЗС 347 "Салова-2"" ["x"] => string(9) "30.377044" ["y"] => string(9) "59.888292" ["guid"] => string(36) "C5B9EE11-F5B1-4825-8BC0-46E86CFFA337" } [3] => array(10) { ["office_id"] => string(5) "25629" ["address"] => string(39) "Южное ш., д. 45, литера А" ["action_id"] => string(3) "245" ["brands_dots_id"] => string(6) "161398" ["city_id"] => string(4) "1356" ["city"] => string(29) "Санкт-Петербург" ["name"] => string(25) "АЗК 348 "Южное-2"" ["x"] => string(9) "30.414204" ["y"] => string(9) "59.862083" ["guid"] => string(36) "255950F8-E2BF-4D0E-A508-F129E15B6BBD" } [4] => array(10) { ["office_id"] => string(5) "25630" ["address"] => string(73) "г. 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Гатчина, Красносельское ш., д. 1" ["action_id"] => string(3) "245" ["brands_dots_id"] => string(6) "161402" ["city_id"] => string(4) "1358" ["city"] => string(14) "Гатчина" ["name"] => string(27) "АЗК 452 "Гатчина"" ["x"] => string(9) "30.138056" ["y"] => string(9) "59.581195" ["guid"] => string(36) "35C9D950-6793-45F8-BF0E-B3BB1FC1B491" } } ["slides"] => &array(1) { [0] => array(7) { ["image_id"] => string(3) "327" ["action_id"] => string(3) "245" ["type"] => string(1) "0" ["image"] => string(16) "ot0svpjuv0fk.jpg" ["order"] => string(1) "1" ["speed"] => string(1) "0" ["image_mobile"] => string(16) "iaalmcp1u6y5.jpg" } } ["parallax"] => &array(0) { } ["prizes"] => &bool(false) ["bonus_prizes"] => &array(4) { [0] => array(14) { ["name"] => string(16) "120 литров" ["guid"] => string(36) "848CF13D-3D98-4E76-9D63-9266835D4B4E" ["description"] => string(93) "Подарочный купон на получение топлива на 120 литров." ["detail_description"] => string(331) "Подарочный купон на получение топлива на 120 литров. Выдается на любой АЗС, участвующей в акции. Для получения необходимо показать оператору АЗС штрих-код на сертификате победителя." ["image"] => string(16) "d2rqqvnepgng.jpg" ["cod_img"] => NULL ["count_points"] => string(2) "60" ["count"] => string(2) "20" ["prize_id"] => string(3) "775" ["pay_prize"] => string(1) "0" ["type_users"] => string(1) "0" ["points"] => string(1) "1" ["count_use"] => string(1) "0" ["count_no_use"] => int(20) } [1] => array(14) { ["name"] => string(15) "80 литров" ["guid"] => string(36) "0D43011A-1058-40CF-B041-7C60CAF41C06" ["description"] => string(92) "Подарочный купон на получение топлива на 80 литров." ["detail_description"] => string(330) "Подарочный купон на получение топлива на 80 литров. Выдается на любой АЗС, участвующей в акции. Для получения необходимо показать оператору АЗС штрих-код на сертификате победителя." ["image"] => string(16) "yqj17est40tf.jpg" ["cod_img"] => NULL ["count_points"] => string(2) "40" ["count"] => string(2) "20" ["prize_id"] => string(3) "774" ["pay_prize"] => string(1) "1" ["type_users"] => string(1) "0" ["points"] => string(1) "1" ["count_use"] => string(1) "1" ["count_no_use"] => int(19) } [2] => array(14) { ["name"] => string(15) "40 литров" ["guid"] => string(36) "ADD976F8-243A-45CE-A535-EB9EA0FD8DA7" ["description"] => string(92) "Подарочный купон на получение топлива на 40 литров." ["detail_description"] => string(330) "Подарочный купон на получение топлива на 40 литров. Выдается на любой АЗС, участвующей в акции. Для получения необходимо показать оператору АЗС штрих-код на сертификате победителя." ["image"] => string(16) "xhsw8smkfifh.jpg" ["cod_img"] => NULL ["count_points"] => string(2) "20" ["count"] => string(2) "30" ["prize_id"] => string(3) "773" ["pay_prize"] => string(1) "1" ["type_users"] => string(1) "0" ["points"] => string(1) "1" ["count_use"] => string(1) "1" ["count_no_use"] => int(29) } [3] => array(14) { ["name"] => string(15) "20 литров" ["guid"] => string(36) "034EE9B3-DCC9-4A57-A31A-A6CE2851AF46" ["description"] => string(92) "Подарочный купон на получение топлива на 20 литров." ["detail_description"] => string(330) "Подарочный купон на получение топлива на 20 литров. Выдается на любой АЗС, участвующей в акции. Для получения необходимо показать оператору АЗС штрих-код на сертификате победителя." ["image"] => string(16) "klqvaefs2pdi.jpg" ["cod_img"] => NULL ["count_points"] => string(2) "10" ["count"] => string(2) "30" ["prize_id"] => string(3) "772" ["pay_prize"] => string(1) "2" ["type_users"] => string(1) "0" ["points"] => string(1) "1" ["count_use"] => string(1) "2" ["count_no_use"] => int(28) } } ["min_points"] => &string(4) "1000" ["page"] => &array(7) { ["type"] => string(10) "rules_page" ["page_tags"] => array(0) { } ["title"] => string(29) "Условия участия" ["meta_description"] => string(0) "" ["meta_keywords"] => string(0) "" ["active_menu_item"] => string(0) "" ["h1"] => string(0) "" } }
DOCROOT/application/views/templates/rosneft/action/action_rule.php [ 8 ] » filemtime ( arguments )
filename /var/www/promo/files/a245/rules.pdf 3 <a href="/" class="home-page-link"> 4 <svg xmlns="" width="7" height="13" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 7 13"><path stroke="#fff" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="1.8" d="M6 1 1.734 5.693a1.2 1.2 0 0 0 0 1.614L6 12"></path></svg> 5 </a> 6 Правила акции</h1> 7 <div class="inner-page-wrapper br-default"> 8 <iframe src="/static/libs/pdf.js-gh-pages/web/viewer.html?file=<?= URL::base('https'); ?>files/a<?= $action['action_id']; ?>/rules.pdf?v=<?= filemtime($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/files/a'.$action['action_id'].'/rules.pdf');?>" class="iframe-wrapper"></iframe> 9 </div>10 </div>
DOCROOT/system/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 62 ] » include ( arguments )
0 /var/www/promo/application/views/templates/rosneft/action/action_rule.php 57 ob_start();58 59 try60 {61 // Load the view within the current scope62 include $kohana_view_filename;63 }64 catch (Exception $e)65 {66 // Delete the output buffer67 ob_end_clean();68
DOCROOT/system/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 359 ] » Kohana_View::capture ( arguments )
0 application/views/templates/rosneft/action/action_rule.php 1 array(0) { }
354 {355 throw new View_Exception('You must set the file to use within your view before rendering');356 }357 358 // Combine local and global data and capture the output359 return View::capture($this->_file, $this->_data);360 }361 362 }363
DOCROOT/system/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 236 ] » Kohana_View->render ( )
231 */232 public function __toString()233 {234 try235 {236 return $this->render();237 }238 catch (Exception $e)239 {240 /**241 * Display the exception message.242
DOCROOT/application/views/main.php [ 3 ] » Kohana_View->__toString ( )
-2 <?php echo $header; ?>-1 0 <?php echo $content; ?>1 2 <?php echo $footer; ?>3
DOCROOT/system/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 62 ] » include ( arguments )
0 /var/www/promo/application/views/main.php 57 ob_start();58 59 try60 {61 // Load the view within the current scope62 include $kohana_view_filename;63 }64 catch (Exception $e)65 {66 // Delete the output buffer67 ob_end_clean();68
DOCROOT/system/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 359 ] » Kohana_View::capture ( arguments )
0 application/views/main.php 1 array(3) { ["content"] => object(View)#65 (2) { ["_file":protected] => string(58) "application/views/templates/rosneft/action/action_rule.php" ["_data":protected] => array(0) { } } ["header"] => &object(View)#63 (2) { ["_file":protected] => string(51) "application/views/templates/rosneft/main_header.php" ["_data":protected] => array(0) { } } ["footer"] => &object(View)#53 (2) { ["_file":protected] => string(51) "application/views/templates/rosneft/main_footer.php" ["_data":protected] => array(0) { } } }
354 {355 throw new View_Exception('You must set the file to use within your view before rendering');356 }357 358 // Combine local and global data and capture the output359 return View::capture($this->_file, $this->_data);360 }361 362 }363
DOCROOT/system/classes/Kohana/Controller/Template.php [ 44 ] » Kohana_View->render ( )
39 */40 public function after()41 {42 if ($this->auto_render === TRUE)43 {44 $this->response->body($this->template->render());45 }46 47 parent::after();48 }49 50
DOCROOT/application/classes/Controller/Template.php [ 109 ] » Kohana_Controller_Template->after ( )
104 else105 {106 //$this->response->headers('Content-Type','application/json');107 }108 109 parent::after();110 }111 112 // public function include_js($path)113 // {114 // $this->included_scripts .= "<script src=\"".$path."\"></script>\r\n";115
DOCROOT/application/classes/Controller/Page.php [ 1480 ] » Controller_Template->after ( )
1475 $style_name = Action::style();1476 1477 $this->header = 'templates/'.$style_name.'/'.$this->header;1478 $this->footer = 'templates/'.$style_name.'/'.$this->footer;1479 1480 parent::after();1481 }1482 1483 }1484
DOCROOT/system/classes/Kohana/Controller.php [ 87 ] » Controller_Page->after ( )
82 83 // Execute the action itself84 $this->{$action}();85 86 // Execute the "after action" method87 $this->after();88 89 // Return the response90 return $this->response;91 }92 93
{PHP internal call} » Kohana_Controller->execute ( )
DOCROOT/system/classes/Kohana/Request/Client/Internal.php [ 97 ] » ReflectionMethod->invoke ( arguments )
0 object(Controller_Page)#49 (9) { ["template_name"] => NULL ["style_name"] => NULL ["template"] => object(View)#51 (2) { ["_file":protected] => string(26) "application/views/main.php" ["_data":protected] => array(3) { ["content"] => object(View)#65 (2) { ["_file":protected] => string(58) "application/views/templates/rosneft/action/action_rule.php" ["_data":protected] => array(0) { } } ["header"] => &object(View)#63 (2) { ["_file":protected] => string(51) "application/views/templates/rosneft/main_header.php" ["_data":protected] => array(0) { } } ["footer"] => &object(View)#53 (2) { ["_file":protected] => string(51) "application/views/templates/rosneft/main_footer.php" ["_data":protected] => array(0) { } } } } ["page"] => &array(7) { ["type"] => string(10) "rules_page" ["page_tags"] => array(0) { } ["title"] => string(29) "Условия участия" ["meta_description"] => string(0) "" ["meta_keywords"] => string(0) "" ["active_menu_item"] => string(0) "" ["h1"] => string(0) "" } ["header"] => string(29) "templates/rosneft/main_header" ["footer"] => string(29) "templates/rosneft/main_footer" ["auto_render"] => bool(true) ["request"] => object(Request)#43 (19) { ["_requested_with":protected] => NULL ["_method":protected] => string(3) "GET" ["_protocol":protected] => string(8) "HTTP/1.1" ["_secure":protected] => bool(true) ["_referrer":protected] => NULL ["_route":protected] => object(Route)#7 (5) { ["_filters":protected] => array(0) { } ["_uri":protected] => string(11) "action_rule" ["_regex":protected] => array(0) { } ["_defaults":protected] => array(2) { ["controller"] => string(4) "Page" ["action"] => string(11) "action_rule" } ["_route_regex":protected] => string(17) "#^action_rule$#uD" } ["_routes":protected] => array(0) { } ["_header":protected] => object(HTTP_Header)#44 (5) { ["_accept_content":protected] => NULL ["_accept_charset":protected] => NULL ["_accept_encoding":protected] => NULL ["_accept_language":protected] => NULL ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(0) { } } ["_body":protected] => NULL ["_directory":protected] => string(0) "" ["_controller":protected] => string(4) "Page" ["_action":protected] => string(11) "action_rule" ["_uri":protected] => string(11) "action_rule" ["_external":protected] => bool(false) ["_params":protected] => array(0) { } ["_get":protected] => array(0) { } ["_post":protected] => array(0) { } ["_cookies":protected] => array(0) { } ["_client":protected] => object(Request_Client_Internal)#45 (9) { ["_previous_environment":protected] => NULL ["_cache":protected] => NULL ["_follow":protected] => bool(false) ["_follow_headers":protected] => array(1) { [0] => string(13) "authorization" } ["_strict_redirect":protected] => bool(true) ["_header_callbacks":protected] => array(1) { ["Location"] => string(34) "Request_Client::on_header_location" } ["_max_callback_depth":protected] => int(5) ["_callback_depth":protected] => int(1) ["_callback_params":protected] => array(0) { } } } ["response"] => object(Response)#46 (5) { ["_status":protected] => int(200) ["_header":protected] => object(HTTP_Header)#47 (5) { ["_accept_content":protected] => NULL ["_accept_charset":protected] => NULL ["_accept_encoding":protected] => NULL ["_accept_language":protected] => NULL ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(0) { } } ["_body":protected] => string(0) "" ["_cookies":protected] => array(0) { } ["_protocol":protected] => string(8) "HTTP/1.1" } }
92 93 // Create a new instance of the controller 94 $controller = $class->newInstance($request, $response); 95 96 // Run the controller's execute() method 97 $response = $class->getMethod('execute')->invoke($controller); 98 99 if ( ! $response instanceof Response)100 {101 // Controller failed to return a Response.102 throw new Kohana_Exception('Controller failed to return a Response');103
DOCROOT/system/classes/Kohana/Request/Client.php [ 114 ] » Kohana_Request_Client_Internal->execute_request ( arguments )
0 object(Request)#43 (19) { ["_requested_with":protected] => NULL ["_method":protected] => string(3) "GET" ["_protocol":protected] => string(8) "HTTP/1.1" ["_secure":protected] => bool(true) ["_referrer":protected] => NULL ["_route":protected] => object(Route)#7 (5) { ["_filters":protected] => array(0) { } ["_uri":protected] => string(11) "action_rule" ["_regex":protected] => array(0) { } ["_defaults":protected] => array(2) { ["controller"] => string(4) "Page" ["action"] => string(11) "action_rule" } ["_route_regex":protected] => string(17) "#^action_rule$#uD" } ["_routes":protected] => array(0) { } ["_header":protected] => object(HTTP_Header)#44 (5) { ["_accept_content":protected] => NULL ["_accept_charset":protected] => NULL ["_accept_encoding":protected] => NULL ["_accept_language":protected] => NULL ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(0) { } } ["_body":protected] => NULL ["_directory":protected] => string(0) "" ["_controller":protected] => string(4) "Page" ["_action":protected] => string(11) "action_rule" ["_uri":protected] => string(11) "action_rule" ["_external":protected] => bool(false) ["_params":protected] => array(0) { } ["_get":protected] => array(0) { } ["_post":protected] => array(0) { } ["_cookies":protected] => array(0) { } ["_client":protected] => object(Request_Client_Internal)#45 (9) { ["_previous_environment":protected] => NULL ["_cache":protected] => NULL ["_follow":protected] => bool(false) ["_follow_headers":protected] => array(1) { [0] => string(13) "authorization" } ["_strict_redirect":protected] => bool(true) ["_header_callbacks":protected] => array(1) { ["Location"] => string(34) "Request_Client::on_header_location" } ["_max_callback_depth":protected] => int(5) ["_callback_depth":protected] => int(1) ["_callback_params":protected] => array(0) { } } }
1 object(Response)#46 (5) { ["_status":protected] => int(200) ["_header":protected] => object(HTTP_Header)#47 (5) { ["_accept_content":protected] => NULL ["_accept_charset":protected] => NULL ["_accept_encoding":protected] => NULL ["_accept_language":protected] => NULL ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(0) { } } ["_body":protected] => string(0) "" ["_cookies":protected] => array(0) { } ["_protocol":protected] => string(8) "HTTP/1.1" }
109 $orig_response = $response = Response::factory(array('_protocol' => $request->protocol()));110 111 if (($cache = $this->cache()) instanceof HTTP_Cache)112 return $cache->execute($this, $request, $response);113 114 $response = $this->execute_request($request, $response);115 116 // Execute response callbacks117 foreach ($this->header_callbacks() as $header => $callback)118 {119 if ($response->headers($header))120
DOCROOT/system/classes/Kohana/Request.php [ 997 ] » Kohana_Request_Client->execute ( arguments )
0 object(Request)#43 (19) { ["_requested_with":protected] => NULL ["_method":protected] => string(3) "GET" ["_protocol":protected] => string(8) "HTTP/1.1" ["_secure":protected] => bool(true) ["_referrer":protected] => NULL ["_route":protected] => object(Route)#7 (5) { ["_filters":protected] => array(0) { } ["_uri":protected] => string(11) "action_rule" ["_regex":protected] => array(0) { } ["_defaults":protected] => array(2) { ["controller"] => string(4) "Page" ["action"] => string(11) "action_rule" } ["_route_regex":protected] => string(17) "#^action_rule$#uD" } ["_routes":protected] => array(0) { } ["_header":protected] => object(HTTP_Header)#44 (5) { ["_accept_content":protected] => NULL ["_accept_charset":protected] => NULL ["_accept_encoding":protected] => NULL ["_accept_language":protected] => NULL ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(0) { } } ["_body":protected] => NULL ["_directory":protected] => string(0) "" ["_controller":protected] => string(4) "Page" ["_action":protected] => string(11) "action_rule" ["_uri":protected] => string(11) "action_rule" ["_external":protected] => bool(false) ["_params":protected] => array(0) { } ["_get":protected] => array(0) { } ["_post":protected] => array(0) { } ["_cookies":protected] => array(0) { } ["_client":protected] => object(Request_Client_Internal)#45 (9) { ["_previous_environment":protected] => NULL ["_cache":protected] => NULL ["_follow":protected] => bool(false) ["_follow_headers":protected] => array(1) { [0] => string(13) "authorization" } ["_strict_redirect":protected] => bool(true) ["_header_callbacks":protected] => array(1) { ["Location"] => string(34) "Request_Client::on_header_location" } ["_max_callback_depth":protected] => int(5) ["_callback_depth":protected] => int(1) ["_callback_params":protected] => array(0) { } } }
992 throw new Request_Exception('Unable to execute :uri without a Kohana_Request_Client', array( 993 ':uri' => $this->_uri, 994 )); 995 } 996 997 return $this->_client->execute($this); 998 } 999 1000 /**1001 * Returns whether this request is the initial request Kohana received.1002 * Can be used to test for sub requests.1003
DOCROOT/index.php [ 123 ] » Kohana_Request->execute ( )
118 /**119 * Execute the main request. A source of the URI can be passed, eg: $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'].120 * If no source is specified, the URI will be automatically detected.121 */122 echo Request::factory(TRUE, array(), FALSE)123 ->execute()124 ->send_headers(TRUE)125 ->body();126 }127